VuStats Display Format (Category A only)
Issue 1.0 May 2003
— Top references the first-administered, highest-level skill for EAS agents, or the first
split/skill logged into for non-EAS agents.
With EAS, the top skill for VuStats is the first administered, highest level skill
measured internally or both. For CMS it is the first-administered, highest-
level skill measured externally or both. Therefore, it is possible for the top
skill to be a different number skill for CMS than it is for VuStats. To avoid this,
measure all skills as both.
— All displays the combined data for all splits/skills the agent is logged into.
— Any number from 1-20. The number represents a split/skill to which the agent has
logged in. For example, if the Ref field contains 1, VuStats displays the data for the
first split/skill the agent logged into, if the Ref field contains 2, VuStats displays the
data for the second split/skill the agent logged into, and so on.
List VuStats Display Format Screen
A second VuStats Display Format screen is available with the list command. The purpose
of this screen is to present the format of all, or a selected number, of VuStats displays. The
List VuStats Display Format screen displays the Format Number, Next Format Number,
Number of Intervals, Object Type, Update Interval, and Format Description fields, and all
designated data items, including the Data Type, Format, Threshold, and Ref (split/skill
Use this screen to compare VuStats displays to each other. This list presentation is most
helpful when trying to see how displays are linked to each other. The screen includes the
Next field, which contains the number of the next display (if any) to which a display is
The following screen shows an example of the List VuStats Display Formats form.
VuStats Display Formats list form
Page 1
No Next Int Object Type Update Format Description
1 none
split 30 SPLIT=$$ WAITING=$$$ OLDEST=$$$$$
oldest-call-waiting m:ss
2 none
agent-extension on-change AGENT=$$$$ STATE=$$$$$$$$$ TIME=$$$$$$$$
agent extension
agent state
press CANCEL to quit -- press NEXT PAGE to continue