Call Vectoring
Issue 1.0 May 2003
Fields that allow VDN extensions
You can enter a VDN extension in the following fields.
You cannot enter a VDN extension as auxiliary data for the following buttons:
Bridged Appearance (brdg-app)
Data Call Setup (data-ext)
You can enter a VDN extension as auxiliary data for the following buttons:
Remote Message Waiting Indicator (aut-msg-wt)
Facility Busy Indication (busy-ind)
Manual Message Waiting (man-msg-wt)
Manual Signaling (signal)
AP Demand Print
A VDN cannot be used as an argument to the feature access code for AP Demand Print.
Attendant Control of Trunk Group Access
If a
step in a vector dials a controlled trunk group, vector processing continues
at the next step.
Attendant Recall
Attendant Recall to a VDN is blocked.
Fields that do allow a VDN extension
Abbreviated Dialing
Call Coverage Paths
allow it as the last coverage point only
Hunt Group
Night Destination
Listed Directory
Night Destination
Trunk Groups
Night Destination
Incoming Destination