ACD contact center features
244 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers
3. The communication server temporarily creates a new UCID (such as UCID “a” or UCID
“b”) for the transfer portion of the call (the original UCID is quickly merged into the call).
4. The UCIDs of the transfer segment and merged call are returned to INTUITY
Conversant in ASAI acknowledgment messages.
5. The communication server sends UCID information to CMS if trunk, VDN(s), and/or
split/skill(s) involved in the call are measured.
Configuration — INTUITY Conversant before
the communication server
This scenario illustrates a system configuration where a call comes in to INTUITY
Conversant before reaching the communication server. In this configuration, INTUITY
Conversant provides voice response services and/or call screening so that the number of
incoming calls to the communication server is reduced.
This configuration is less common than the communication server before
INTUITY Conversant configuration.