ACD contact center features
136 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers
Recorded Announcement
The first announcement extension, second announcement extension, first announcement
delay, second announcement delay, and recurring second announcement do not exist for a
vector-controlled hunt group.
Redirection on No Answer
If an ACD split/skill or Direct Agent call is not answered after an administered number of
rings, RONA can redirect that call to a VDN for alternate treatment.
Ringback Queuing
External call attempts made via
commands with coverage no are not queue via
Ringback Queuing when all trunks are busy. External call attempts made via
commands with coverage yes are.
Send All Calls
If the destination of a
route-to with coverage no
command has the Send All Calls
feature active, calls are not redirected. If there is an idle appearance, the call terminates
and vector processing stops. If not, vector processing continues at the next step.
If the Send All Calls button is pressed after a vector call is terminated, button activation is
Time of Day Routing
Since a
route-to number
command in a vector can specify the AAR or ARS access
codes, the TOD routing algorithm can be used to route the call.
Timed After Call Work (ACW)
A Timed ACW interval can be assigned to a VDN.
Timed Reminder
The attendant Timed Reminder is not available for calls placed, transferred, or extended to
a VDN. Vectoring causes all other timers to be ignored.
Calls can be transferred to a VDN.
Traveling Class Mark
A TCM is sent when a
command dials a seven-digit ETN or 10-digit DDD
number via AAR/ARS. This TCM is the FRL associated with the VDN COR.