ACD contact center features
100 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers
Administering BSR polling over IP without B-Channel
For MultiVantage software release R11 or later, BSR Polling can be configured so that the
use of a B-channel is not required when a polling signal is sent over an H.323 IP trunk.
This feature offers the following advantages:
Improved trunk efficiency – This feature uses QSIG CISC/TSCs (Call Independent
Signaling Connections / Temporary Signaling Connections) that send BSR polls over D-
channel without associated seizure of a B-channel. This polling strategy allows more
trunk bandwidth to be available for other forms of voice or data traffic.
Reduced hardware requirements – If Voice over IP functionality is not required for the
trunk, a IP Media Processor circuit pack (TN2302) is not required. In either case, a
C-LAN circuit pack (TN799) is required to support D-Channel signalling.
BSR polling over IP without B-channel uses non-call associated TSCs.
“Administering BSR polling over IP without B-channel” includes the following topics:
on page 100
Administration forms for BSR polling over IP without B-channel
on page 101
on page 106
on page 107
The following prerequisite conditions must be satisfied to enable BSR polling over IP
without B-channel.
All locations that use the BSR polling over IP without B-channel feature must use
MultiVantage R11 or later. The Call Center version must be V6 or later.
If the remote communication server does not have R11 installed, the CISC
(Call Independent Signalling Connection) SETUP does not start vector
processing and the poll operation ends in a timeout, logging a vector event.
The next step in the vector is then executed.
IP option
To use the BSR polling over IP without B-channel feature, the IP Trunk Software RTU
option must be enabled.
C-LAN connectivity
A C-LAN circuit pack (TN7990) is required for this feature.