ACD contact center features
218 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers
Remote Logout of Agent
The Remote Logout of Agent feature allows a user to logout an idle ACD or EAS agent
without being physically present at the agent’s station. The user who is logging out the
agent can be locally or remotely located.
The Remote Logout of Agent is similar to the Add/Remove Skills feature.
Administering Remote Logout of Agent
The following forms and fields are required to administer the Remote Logout of Agent
Detailed description
This feature allows a user to log out an agent using a feature-access-code (FAC). Remote
Logout of Agent can be used to discontinue the delivery of ACD calls to a station that is no
longer staffed by the agent.
While the RONA feature places an agent station in the aux-work mode, it does not log an
agent out. Note that the RONA feature does log out an AAS port. The Remote Logout of
Agent feature addresses the need to be able to log out the agent who is no longer at his
station and is still logged in.
The Remote Logout of Agent feature makes it possible for supervisors (or other users who
are appropriately authorized) to log out agents without physically going to the agent station
to perform the logout action.
Required forms – Remote Logout of Agent
System Parameters
Call Center Release field set to 9.1 or newer
Remote logout of agent field set to y
Feature Access
Call Center page, Remote Logout of Agent
field set to appropriate access code