ACD contact center features
212 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers
When a call is redirected via ASAI Redirect Call, the RONA timer is
Attendant return call
If an attendant extends a call to an ACD split or VDN for which the return call timer is not
activated, the call does not interact with RONA. The Attendant Return Call Timer is not set
if an attendant extends the call to another attendant.
AUDIX Transfer
RONA applies to a call transferred by AUDIX to an ACD split. A redirected call to AUDIX
does not go to split or agent coverage after it is transferred out of AUDIX. If RONA times
out on this type of call, the call cannot be redirected.
Automatic answering
If an agent with automatic answering receives a call with zip tone instead of ringing, RONA
timing is canceled.
Call Coverage
Direct Agent calls are redirected to the agent’s coverage path if a path is administered. A
temporary bridged call appearance is not maintained for a call directed to an ACD hunt
group or VDN, or for a Direct Agent call.
When a call is redirected to a split/skill, the Coverage Subsequent Redirection/CFWD No
Answer timer is started on the call. Covered calls go to the next point in the split/skill
coverage path.
5. Call routed to split’s
coverage path
Call redirected followed by
existing operation of ASAI
Domain (station) control (for agent ext
that call is leaving)
6. Infinite feedback to
Call redirected
Domain (station) control (for agent ext
that call is leaving)
7. Continue vector
Call redirected followed by
existing ASAI events
Domain (station) control (for agent ext
that call is leaving redirecting to VDN)
8. Call routed to direct
agent’s coverage
Call redirected followed by
existing operation of ASAI
Domain (station) control (for agent ext
that call is leaving)
RONA/ASAI events (continued)
Stage of Call
ASAI Event
ASAI Associations