ACD contact center switch forms
302 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers
Multimedia (Category A only)
Indicates whether the vector should receive early answer treatment for multimedia calls.
This only applies if Multimedia Call Handling is enabled. If you expect this vector to receive
multimedia calls, set this field to y. Valid values are y or n (default). If this value is y, the call
is considered to be answered at the start of vector processing, and billing for the call starts
at that time.
Meet-me Conference
Appears when the meet-me conference feature is enabled. Valid entries are
. For
more information, see the “Meet-me Conference” chapter in Avaya MultiVantage Call
Center Software Call Vectoring and EAS Guide, 585-230-714.
Attendant Vectoring
Appears only when Attendant Vectoring is optioned. Valid entries are y and n (default). The
Attendant Vectoring field defaults to n and changes are allowed to the field. If Basic
Vectoring and Vector Prompting are both set to n, then the Attendant Vectoring field
defaults to y and no changes are allowed to the field.
To associate VDNs and vectors for attendant vectoring, a field has been added to both the
VDN and the call vectoring forms to indicate attendant vectoring. When attendant vectoring
is indicated for VDNs and vectors, all contact center-associated fields (such as Skills and
BSR) are removed.
This field controls access to the vector from the CMS or Visual Vectors. Valid entries are y
and n (default). Enter n to give CMS and Visual Vectors users the ability to administer this
vector from these client programs. Enter y if you do not want this vector to be accessible to
these client programs. Locked vectors can only be displayed and administered through the
SAT or a terminal emulator.
Always lock vectors that contain secure information (for example, access
Display-only field. Indicates whether the
Vectoring (Basic)
option is enabled on the
System-Parameters Customer-Options form. Valid values are y or n.