ACD contact center features
156 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers
Inbound Call Management
Inbound Call Management (ICM) allows you to integrate features of the communication
server with host-application processing and routing, and automate delivery of caller
information to agents’ displays. You can create a sophisticated system to handle inbound
calls for applications such as telemarketing and claims processing.
To implement ICM, you integrate features of the communication server such as Automatic
Call Distribution (ACD), Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Call Vectoring, Direct Agent Calling,
and Call Prompting with an application on a host processor. The host application, or
adjunct, can be a CallVisor/PC, Conversant voice system, Telephony Services Server
serving a local-area network, or a vendor application using the CallVisor Adjunct/Switch
Applications Interface (ASAI). A CallVisor ASAI link between the communication server
and adjunct allows the adjunct to control incoming call processing and routing.
In addition, you can automate ACD agent telephone displays and associate them with new
and transferred calls, and assist calls to a supervisor. You can display incoming call
information such as Calling Party Number (CPN), Billing Number (BN), and Dialed Number
Identification Service (DNIS). Or, you can set up the adjunct to retrieve caller information
from a database and display it on a particular agent’s screen, based on the service dialed.
Detailed description
on page 158 for more information on applications.
Administering ICM
Display the System-Parameters Customer-Options and ensure that the ACD option is
enabled. If you are using CallVisor ASAI or Call Vectoring, ensure appropriate ASAI
Capability Groups options or the Vectoring (Basic) and/or Vectoring (Prompting) options
are enabled.
Required forms – ICM
System-Parameters Customer-Options
Vectoring (Basic)
Vectoring (Prompting)
ASAI Capability Groups
Trunk Group (ISDN-PRI)
Per Call CPN/BN