random-access memory (RAM)
424 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers
random-access memory
A storage arrangement whereby information can be retrieved at a speed
independent of the location of the stored information.
Robbed-bit signaling
Radio controller
Restricted call list
read-only memory (ROM)
A storage arrangement primarily for information-retrieval applications.
recall dial tone
Tones signalling that the system has completed a function (such as holding a call)
and is ready to accept dialing.
redirection criteria
Information administered for each voice terminal’s coverage path that determines
when an incoming call is redirected to coverage.
Redirection on No
An optional feature that redirects an unanswered ringing ACD call after an
administered number of rings. The call is then redirected back to the agent.
remote home
numbering-plan area
code (RHNPA)
A foreign numbering-plan area code that is treated as a home area code by the
Automatic Route Selection (ARS) feature. Calls can be allowed or denied based on
the area code and the dialed CO code rather than just the area code. If the call is
allowed, the ARS pattern used for the call is determined by these six digits.
Remote Operations
Service Element (ROSE)
A CCITT and ISO standard that defines a notation and services that support
interactions between the various entities that make up a distributed application.
Ringer equivalency number
reorder tone
A tone to signal that at least one of the facilities, such as a trunk or a digit transmitter,
needed for the call was not available.
report scheduler
Software that is used in conjunction with the system printer to schedule the days of
the week and time of day that the desired reports are to be printed.
Request for proposal
remote home numbering-plan area code (RHNPA)
on page 424.
Remote indirect neighbor link
Reduced-instruction-set computer
Release-link trunk