Expert Agent Selection (Category A only)
Issue 1.0 May 2003
MIA Across Splits/Skills
In addition, both UCD and EAD can be used in conjunction the MIA Across Splits/Skills
option. With MIA Across Splits/Skills, one available agent queue is set up for the entire
system. When an agent answers a call for any skill, the agent is removed from the MIA
Automatic Call Distribution
on page 77 for more information about UCD, EAD, and
MIA Across Splits/Skills.
Additional agent login ID capabilities
The following capabilities are also associated with agents’ login IDs.
Auto-Answer — When EAS is optioned, auto answer settings can be assigned to agents
on the Agent LoginID form. An agent’s auto answer setting will apply to the station
where the agent logs in. If the auto answer setting for that station is different, the agent’s
setting overrides the station’s.
Calls — to call an EAS Agent, the caller dials the Login ID extension. The call is
extended to the physical extension where the agent with that Login ID is logged in. Calls
to the Login ID reach the agent independent of the phone the agent is currently using.
For example, when agents use multiple phones because they have multiple offices or
rotate desks, login IDs allow these agents to be reached independent of their current
Name — calls to the Login ID display the name associated with the Login ID and not the
name associated with the phone. This is also true for calls made from a phone with an
agent logged in.
Coverage — when the agent is logged out, or when calls go to coverage because the
agent is busy, or does not answer, calls to the Login ID go to the coverage path
associated with the agent and not the phone. When an agent is logged out, calls go to
the agent’s busy coverage destination.
Restrictions — calls to the Login ID or from the agent use the restrictions associated
with the agent and not the phone.
Phones are fully functional when an agent is not logged in. The restrictions, coverage, and
name revert to the phone administration when the agent logs out.
Direct Agent calling
Calls to an agent’s Login ID are treated as Direct Agent calls if the caller and the agent
have the “Direct Agent Calling” Class of Restriction (COR). Direct Agent calls can be
originated by stations or trunks. If the caller or agent does not have the proper COR, the
call is treated as a normal non-ACD (personal) call.
Direct agent calling (Category A only)
on page 84 for additional information on how
Direct Agent calling works, is used in the contact center, and is administered.