ACD contact center features
154 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers
Call Pickup
Skill hunt group extensions and EAS Login ID extensions cannot be members of a call
pickup group.
Class of Restriction (COR)
Skill hunt groups do have a class of restriction. This is used if the skill hunt group extension
is called directly.
The COR for an EAS agent Login ID overrides the physical extension’s COR of the phone
an EAS agent logs into.
Class of Service (COS)
EAS agents do not have a COS associated with their Login ID. Therefore, the COS of the
telephone is not affected when an EAS agent logs into it.
Directed Call Pickup
An EAS agent can use the Directed Call Pickup feature to pick up a call and/or have his or
her calls picked up by another agent. The Class of Restriction of the agent will override the
Class of Restriction of the station where the agent is logged in.
If both the station’s COR and the logged-in agent’s COR allow the call to be picked up
using Directed Call Pickup, the user picking up the call can use either the station’s
extension or the agent’s loginID.
Displays - Phone
When an EAS agent logs in, the display for originators who call the Login ID shows the
Login ID and agent name (as administered via the Agent Login ID form). Calls that the
agent originates show the Agent Login ID and agent name at the receiving telephone
display. However, the user can display the name of the physical extension where the EAS
agent is logged in. To do this, the user must be active on a call with the agent, and must
have a telephone with an alphanumeric display and an inspect button. When the inspect
button is pressed during a call to or from the EAS agent, the physical extension name of
the agent is displayed.
Calls to the physical extension show the physical extension’s number and name on the
originator’s display.