Service Observing
Issue 1.0 May 2003
Service Observing
Service Observing allows a specified user, such as a supervisor, to observe or monitor
another user’s calls. In this section, “observer” refers to the supervisor who is observing
calls. “Agent” refers to the extension, attendant, or logical agent being observed. A vector
directory number (VDN) call can also be observed (Category A only). Observers can
observe in listen-only or listen-and-talk mode.
Note that you set up Service Observing to observe a particular extension, not all calls to all
extensions at a station.
Service Observing may be subject to federal, state, or local laws, rules, or regulations or
require the consent of one or both of the call parties. Familiarize yourself and comply with
all applicable laws, rules, and regulations before using this feature.
Administering Service Observing
The following forms and fields are required to administer the Service Observing feature.t
Required forms – Service Observing feature
System Parameters
Service Observing (Basic) — for basic or Logical Agent ID
Service Observing (Basic) and Service Observing (Remote/By
FAC) — for remote observing or observing via feature access
Service Observing (Basic) and the Service Observing (VDNs) —
for VDN observing
Vectoring (Prompting) — for vector-initiated observing
Class of Restriction
Can Be Service Observed
Can Be Service Observer
Service Observing COR Table
Feature-Related System
Service Observing Warning Tone
Expert Agent Selection (Logical Agent ID)
Station (multiappearance)
Button/Feature Button Assignment (basic, VDN, Logical Agent
— serv-obsrv