Service Observing
Issue 1.0 May 2003
ASAI (Category A only)
A call to an observed VDN continues to be observed after it routes to an adjunct. A call can
be routed to a Service Observing FAC by the adjunct routing command in the same way
that it can be with the route-to command.
A VDN observer continues to observe a call during an assist operation. The observer
observes the caller on hold and the conference, when the agent conferences the assist call
with the VDN call.
BCMS does not report on Service Observing. BCMS reports show normal measured-call
and agent activity related to Service Observing calls. When a physical agent (non-EAS) is
observed, the BCMS Report By Login ID shows the physical extension along with the login
Bridged appearances
If an observer observes agent extension 3082, the observer is bridged onto calls only to
3082. If the agent with extension 3082 has a bridged appearance for extension 3282, calls
to extension 3282 are not observed. Although extensions 3082 and 3282 have a call
appearance on the same telephone, the observer cannot observe both extensions at the
same time.
An observer cannot observe an agent call that is bridged onto by busy-verification. Also, an
agent’s call that is being bridged onto by an observer cannot be busy-verified.
Call Coverage/Call Pickup
An observer cannot observe a call answered by a covering agent or member of a pickup
group until the called agent bridges onto the call. The observer continues observing a call
to an observed VDN call if the call is routed to a destination that forwards the call (via Call
Coverage, Call Forwarding, or Call Pickup).
Call Park
An observer cannot park a call while observing the call. An observer observing a VDN
continues observing after a call is parked.