ACD contact center features
238 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers
Universal Call ID
Universal Call ID (UCID) is a unique tag assigned to a call.
In simple call scenarios, the tag stays with that call within a network that is based on a
communication server connected by ISDN lines. In complex call scenarios, the tag often
merges with other tags.
The UCID data element is “universal” because it does not just identify a call
on one particular communication server; a UCID uniquely identifies a call
across a network of communication servers.
What is UCID’s purpose?
The purpose of UCID is to tag a call with a unique identifier.
UCID provides a way to track calls across multiple communication servers and Voice
Response Units.
contact centers can use UCID to track call history. Because UCID can uniquely identify
every call in a network of any size, it possible to track call-related data from multiple
sources and multiple sites. For example, you can combine data from many locations and
print reports that enable you to track a call throughout its lifecycle. For information about
such reports, refer to Avaya CMS Reports, 585-210-929.
Although UCID is intended for contact centers, a communication server
configured to create UCIDs will assign one to every call—not just to
Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) calls.
What does UCID look like?
The Universal Call ID is an 8-byte data element that displays as a 20-character number.
How does UCID work?
For every new call that comes into or is originated by the communication server or
Conversant product, the product creates a UCID. Depending on the call scenario, the
UCID will either remain unique to that call or merge with other UCIDs.
What creates UCIDs?
Both the communication server and the Conversant can create UCIDs once the capability
has been enabled. In other words, neither product automatically creates UCIDs until the
feature is enabled.