AP; Reviewed:
WCH 8/27/2003
Avaya – Proprietary
Use pursuant to Company Instructions
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Avaya Solution & Interoperability Test Lab
Sample Avaya Unified Messenger™ Configuration with
Cisco CallManager Using the Cisco DPA 7610 Voice Mail
Gateway- Issue 1.0
These Application Notes describe the configuration for an Avaya Unified Messenger™ server
providing voice mail services for a Cisco CallManager using a Cisco Digital Phone Adapter
(DPA) Voice Mail Gateway. The Cisco DPA 7610 provides digital line emulation. These
lines appear as IP Phones to CallManager, and connect to a Dialogic D/82JCT-U board in the
Unified Messenger Server. The DPA 7610 translates the messaging between the Unified
Messenger Server and the CallManager, and provides a message waiting interface between
CallManager, Unified Messenger, and the IP Phones. These Application Notes were written in
response to a request from UCS.