S e n d d o c u m e n t c o m m e n t s t o n e x u s 7 k - f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Cisco NX-OS System Messages Reference
Chapter 2 System Messages and Recovery Procedures
SVC Messages
Error Message
SVC-4-NODE_WARNING_MSG: (SVC [dec]/[dec]
SS_EID_VL_ER_IO_MEDIUM_ERROR ) A media error has occurred during I/O to a Managed
Disk [chars]
A disk I/O medium error has occurred.
Recommended Action
1. Ask the customer to rewrite the bad data to the block LBA reported in the
host systems SCSI sense data. Note: If this error has occurred during a migration, the host system
will notice the error until the target device is accessed. 2. Check managed disk status. If all managed
disks show a status of online, mark the error you have just repaired as fixed.
Error Message
SVC-4-NODE_WARNING_MSG: (SVC [dec]/[dec]
SS_EID_VL_ER_IO_THRESHOLD_WARNING ) Managed Disk error count warning threshold met
IOs to the managed disk have experienced sufficient errors to generate this warning. If
the managed disk continues to experience IO errors, the managed disk may be excluded.
Recommended Action
Perform problem determination on the affected managed disk.
Error Message
SVC-4-NODE_WARNING_MSG: (SVC [dec]/[dec]
SS_EID_VL_ER_LUN_DISCOVERY_FAILED ) Discovery of LUN failed [chars]
The cluster has a connection to the device on the SAN through this node, but the device
has not responded to the node in a manner consistent with a functional device LUN.
Recommended Action
If there are device LUNs that should have been discovered by the node: 1)
Perform a manual discovery. 2) Perform problem determination on the device.
Error Message
SVC-4-NODE_WARNING_MSG: (SVC [dec]/[dec]
SS_EID_VL_ER_MDISK_PORT_PREFERENCE_IGNORED ) Preferred port is not being used for
Managed Disk access [chars]
The preferred port designated by the back end controller is not being used for Managed
Disk access. A port error or excluded port has prevented the use of the preferred port.
Recommended Action
Perform problem determination on the controller and network to determine the
cause of the port error or exclusion.
Error Message
Cluster recovery failed [chars]
Cluster recovery has failed and a software dump has been created.
Recommended Action
Contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) through the Cisco
Support web site http://www.cisco.com/tac.