S e n d d o c u m e n t c o m m e n t s t o n e x u s 7 k - f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Cisco NX-OS System Messages Reference
Chapter 2 System Messages and Recovery Procedures
DMM-SLOT# Messages
Error Message
DIAGMGR-5-INTRVL_INCORRECT: Monitoring Interval is less than minimum
of [dec] seconds required for Module <[dec]> test <[chars]>
Health Monitoring cannot be enabled for the specified test because the interval for the
test has been incorrectly set.
Recommended Action
The system is working properly and no action is required. If you want to
specify a smaller testing interval, the error message text provides the lowest possible configurable
interval for the specified monitoring interval.
Error Message
DIAGMGR-5-MODULE_MISSING: Diagnostic command issued on non-existing
Module <[dec]>
A line card could not be located in a slot where a diagnostic action was requested.
Recommended Action
Ensure the targeted line card is properly seated in the specified slot. If the line
card is properly seated, ensure the correct slot was indicated in the command-line interface. If the
line card is well-seated and the correct slot was specified, copy the error message exactly as it
appears on the screen as well as the output of show tech-support and paste the output into a separate
file. Contact your technical support representative with the gathered information.
Error Message
DIAGMGR-5-NONHM_AS_HM: The Test <[chars]> cannot be used as health
monitoring test
Non-HM test cannot be scheduled to run as a Health Monitoring test.
Recommended Action
No action is required.
Error Message
DIAGMGR-6-BOOTUP_DIAG_OK: Module <[dec]>: Passed Online Diagnostics
The diagnostic tests did not detect any error on the card.
Recommended Action
This is an informational message stating that the line card passed the
diagnostic tests.
Error Message
DIAGMGR-6-BOOTUP_TEST_STARTED: Module <[dec]>: Running [chars]
Starting bootup testing for above module.
Recommended Action
No action is required.
DMM-SLOT# Messages
This section contains the DMM-SLOT# messages.