install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
4.9.1 Virtual Sets
Another standard function of the Fluent Controls window is the ability to marry a
background image to a live input with a chromakey, this feature is called Virtual Sets.
Virtual Sets allow up to 8 different live inputs and the 2 clip stores to be married with a
static file, without using any of the resources of the Stills, CG or Logo stores. This
allows up to 8 different ‘angles’ for a set. Once a background is married with an input, it
may be selected on the Preview/Program/Source rows and used as any other input into
the switcher. Virtual Sets is a global attribute, which applies to all shows.
To activate angles:
Open the Fluent Controls window by
selecting the
Panel, Fluent Controls
menu from the Broadcast Pix menu
button, as shown on the right.
Along the left edge of the Fluent
Control window, select the
Virtual Sets
button, it will illuminate blue as shown
of the right.
The top section, labeled Angles,
designates how many inputs on the
system will be used as a Virtual Set
Click on the
menu bar, and
drop down menu will appear.
In the
Angles To Display
menu, select
how many inputs to show and use for
Virtual Sets, either
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
, as shown on the right.
A thumbnail for each angle will appear
along the top strip of angles. Some
thumbnails may appear grey, these are
unassigned angles.