install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
The Flint System is a 3 Rack Unit (RU) frame and can be mounted in a standard 19” rack
from the front. The optional supplied rack ears can be used to secure the system into a
rack with rear support. It is highly recommended to use a rear support/shelf or use the
available sliding rack rails to provide the proper rear support when attached with multiple/
heavy cables.
The rack ears are removable to make the system fit in various equipment racks. The top
cover is secured with 2 side screws that unscrew completely (1 on each side) and 1 rear
screw that simply loosens to allow for the cover to slide off, as circled below.
System Dimensions:
1.2 Flint System Installation
21 in
53.34 cm
(1 more inch
for connectors)
19 in
48 cm
16.88 in
42.88 cm
20.13 in
51.13 cm