install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Knob Control on the Multi-View PixPad:
If a device utilizes the knobs for a control, select
the desired
Knob Activator
, and it will
highlight white, as shown below with the ‘Scrub’ control.
Then using the
Knob Control
circle, click and drag to the right to increase the knob value,
or click and drag to the left to decrease the knob value. The Knob Activator label will
update as the Knob Control is adjusted.
Joystick Control on the Multi-View PixPad:
To control the Joystick, select he
button on the Multi-View PixPad and it will
highlight blue and the PixPad will show a 2-axis joystick for the X & Y axis (pan & tilt) plus
a slider for the Z axis (zoom), as shown below. Devices which use the Joystick are Keyer
Controls and Camera Control.
Click and drag the middle circle to position the joystick. Click and move the right sliderl to
zoom in or out the joystick, as if it were being twisted on a physical panel. Clicking on the
4 arrows or magnifying glass will ‘nudge’ the joystick, providing a finer control.
Knob 1
Knob 2
Knob 3
Knob 4
Device Info