External Signal Exchange
Operating Manual dryve D1, ST-, DC-, EC/BLDC-Motor Control System - V2.4
6.5.6 Exception Codes Modbus TCP Gateway
In the case of an error the value 80h will be always added to Byte 7.
Example Value Byte 7:
2Bh + 80h = ABh (43 + 128 = 171)
The value of Byte 7 resend by the dryve D1 is therefore ABh (171).
The error information is sent in Byte 8. The significance is available in the following table:
Exception Code
Code Name
Illegal Function Code
The used device does not permit the send function code.
Illegal Data Address
The used device does not permit the send data address.
The used register address is faulty.
Illegal Data Value
The used data values are not allowable. This may indicate
an error in Byte 5.
Device Failure
An unrecoverable error occurred while the device was
attempting to perform the requested action.
The device has accepted the request and is currently
processing it, but a long processing time is required to
execute the request. This response is sent, to prevent a
network timeout error.
Server Busy
The receiving device is engaged in processing a long-
duration program command. The sending device should
resend the telegram if the receiving device is available