Quick Setup
Operating Manual dryve D1, ST-, DC-, EC/BLDC-Motor Control System - V2.4
Enter the Available Stroke and the Feed Rate. The Feed Rate defines the performed movement with each motor shaft
revolution. A possible value for the Available Stroke is for example 100 mm and 60 mm for the Feed Rate.
These values must be adopted to the used linear axis.
The "Movement Limits" must be specified to ensure a safe and reliable operation. If the user is operating the dryve D1
for the first time, choose low values such as:
Max. Velocity: 5 mm/s
Jog Velocity: 2 mm/s
Max. Acceleration: 100 mm/s²
Quick Stop: 1000 mm/s²
Following Error: 10 mm
Positioning Window: 0 mm
Positioning Time: 0 ms
In addition, the Reference Method must be set. Please select “SCP (Current Position)
All necessary communication settings for "quick initial operation" have been completed ex works.
Activate "DI 7 Enable" to enable the motor.
The set Motor Current will now be applied to the motor.
As soon as the motor is supplied with electric current, it generates a holding torque. Make sure that the motor can move