Quick Setup
Operating Manual dryve D1, ST-, DC-, EC/BLDC-Motor Control System - V2.4
X5 Motor Connector
For a Stepper Motor:
Connect inputs X5.1 - X5.4 in accordance with the following diagram.
For a DC-Motor:
Connect inputs X5.1 and X5.2 in accordance with the following diagram
IP address
The IP address which is assigned by the PC to the dryve D1 must be entered in the browser in order to establish a connection
to the dryve D1. If the dryve D1 is set to factory settings, this is done automatically.
Start an Internet browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge etc.)
Connect the dryve D1 to the PC with an Ethernet cable.
Switch on the voltage supply the connected power supply.
The status display of the dryve shows the IP address
(e.g. Type the address in the address bar
of your browser and press Enter.
You will be forwarded to the user interface.
The IP address is displayed anew after the ethernet connector is plugged out and in again
You can navigate using the tabs in the Navigation menu on the left-hand side
Help buttons display detailed descriptions of the individual settings.
Settings are changed via entering values, use of drop-down menus or sliders.