Initial Operation and User Interface
Operating Manual dryve D1, ST-, DC-, EC/BLDC-Motor Control System - V2.4
Selection of the preferred Transmission Protocol
Select "HTTPS" or "HTTP"
If you choose "HTTP", no further settings must be made
Please go straight to point 3
Selection of the certificate type
"Self-signed HTTPS certificate"
i. Click on "Generate"
“HTTPS” certificate
i. Selection of the desired certificate file via the dialogue box that opens
ii. Click on "Upload to the dryve"
Restart of the dryve D1 control system with a click on "Reboot" (Apply Ethernet Settings)
Bypass of a
“HTTPS” Warning
If you use a self-signed certificate or an external certificate created by a non-official certification authority (CA) on the dryve D1
or in the browser, a warning indicating of an insecure
“HTTPS” connection will be displayed when the dryve D1 IP Address is
called up.
This warning must be shown as the browser cannot confirm whether this certificate is trustworthy.
There are two ways of avoiding this.
Use of a certificate that has been issued by an official certification authority
Manual installation of a certificate in the central
“HTTPS” database of the respective computer
5.6.3 Bus Systems
Selection if the communication and control of the dryve D1 takes place via the user interface and the Digital Inputs/Outputs or
whether it is controlled by CANopen or Modbus TCP Gateway.
Activation of communication complying to the CiA 402 standard.
Node ID
Value for explicit identification of the dryve D1 in a Node. The range is between 1 to 127. Must
only be assigned once per Node.
Baud Rate
Transmission rates have been predefined in the user interface and can be selected with a
drop-down menu. The baud rate of all connected devices must be identical.
The maximum transfer speed depends on the total bus length and the transmission rate of the
slowest device.