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Appendix I Ladder Diagram Usage Guide of GSK218mc Series with Cone Type Tool-Magazine
K010.7 as 0 after retreating from the tool magazine debugging mode).
Alarm information: 1254 Do not cycle start in the tool magazine debugging mode (A006.6)
Fault reason: When the value of the K010.7 is set to 1, this alarm occurs by pressing the “Start”
button in the Auto, MDI or DNC mode.
Troubleshooting: Set the K010.7 to 0.
Alarm information: 1255 Tool clamping can not return to the origin (A006.7)
Fault reason: When the tool magazine is at the infeed position, and the spindle tool is on the
clamping state, perform the operation of the Z axis origin return.
Troubleshooting: 1. Make the tool magazine on the retraction position
2. Make the spindle tool is on the releasing state.
Alarm information: 1256 Tool clamping can not return to the tool-change position (A007.0)
Fault reason: When the tool magazine is at the infeed position, and the spindle tool is on the
clamping state, perform the operation of the Z axis tool-change return.
Troubleshooting: 1. Make the tool magazine is at the retraction position.
2. Make the spindle tool is on the releasing state.
Alarm information: 1257 Spindle can not return to the tool-change position because it is under
positioning (A007.1)
Fault reason: When the tool magazine is at the infeed position, and the spindle does not position,
perform the operation of the Z axis tool-change return.
Troubleshooting: 1. Make the tool magazine is at the retraction position
2. Spindle positioning
Alarm information: 1258 Fail to return to the tool-change position because the tool magazine is
abnormal (A007.2)
Fault reason: User self-defined
Alarm information: 1260 Do not perform the cycle start in the manual tool-change position return
state (A007.4)
Fault reason: When K011.1=1 (When the manual tool-change position return operation is enabled),
this alarm will be generated pressing the “Start” button in the Auto, MDI and DNC
Troubleshooting: Set the K011.1 to 0.
Alarm information: 1261 Fail to retract due to out of the origin (A007.5)