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Appendix II Laddar Diagram Use Guide of GSK218mc Series Matching with Disc Tool Magazine
The completion of the manual manipulator motion
Generally, the manual operation manipulator conditions:
The completion of the spindle orientation, tool case vertical in-position, Z axis returns to
the tool-change point
C. The affirmation of the tool magazine rotation direction
In the manual mode, press
, tool magazine rotates by increasing the tool numbers;
, tool magazine rotates by decreasing the tool numbers; otherwise, the tool magazine
counting may disorder, so that the tool-change is incorrect. This troubleshooting can be solved by
adjusting the motor’s phase-sequence of the tool rotation.
D. The zero return operations of the tool magazine
The zero return operation of the tool magazine is divided into: with the zero return switch and
without the zero return switch.
1. When the tool magazine is with the zero return switch: press
in the “Mechanical
zero return” mode; the zero return completion (That the indicator flashes means the tool magazine is
performing the zero return) when “tool magazine zero return indicator” is ON.
2. When the tool magazine is without the zero return switch, set the tool magazine zero based
upon the following steps:
a. Press the
in the manual mode, so that the No.1 tool case of the
tool magazine rotates to the place of the tool change.
b. Set the 010.6 to 1 in the MDI mode.
c. In the mechanical zero return mode, press
till “Tool magazine zero return
indicator” ON.
d. Set K010.6 to 0.
3. The adjustment between the spindle positioning angle and tool-change coordinate
A. The adjustment of the spindle positioning angle (Refer to the relative User Manual of the spindle
drive unit)
The adjustment method of the DAP03 positioning angle: