Cisco TelePresence System Administration Guide
Chapter 2 Device Information
Device Information Fields
Table 2-1
Device Information Fields
Field or Button
Setting or Description
System Model
Cisco TelePresence System model can be one of the following:
CTS 500
CTS 500 32”
CTS 1000
CTS 1100
CTS 1300
CTS 3000
CTS 3010
CTS 3200
CTS 3210
System Configuration
Indicates the number of high-definition displays for this system.
Phone Number
Call pattern for the IP phone as defined in Cisco Unified CM.
Meeting Room
Name of the meeting room in which this particular CTS is located as
defined in Cisco Unified CM.
TelePresence MAC Address
MAC address of the primary CTS codec.
TelePresence Host Name
Host name of the primary CTS codec.
TelePresence IP Address
IP address of the primary CTS codec.
IP Phone MAC Address
MAC Address of the IP phone as entered in Cisco Unified CM.
IP Phone Host Name
Host name of the IP phone as configured in Cisco Unified CM.
IP Phone IP Address
IP address of the IP phone as configured in Cisco Unified CM.
IP Phone Software Version
Version of the operating system software installed on this IP phone.