P-PI configuration focuses on soft damped step response. It has a slower response and less precise
tracking, however it is usually possible to fully avoid overshoot. Additionally, it is more sensitive to
noise in the velocity signal:
2. The controller gains are updated automatically every time the sliders are dragged and released. The gains
calculation has an optimization loop inside and may take a few seconds.
3. After the initial tuning is done, it is possible to tune the control loop more precisely by changing the gains
while executing a test signal. There are currently 4 repeatable test signals: square wave, ramp,
bidirectional ramp and sine. It is possible to drag sliders and manually change gains during the reference
signal following:
Synapticon Documentation
© 2021 Synapticon GmbH | Daimlerstraße 26 | D-71101 Schönaich Documentation v 4.19.0 | Built 2022-02-01