Serial encoder
service is
skipping cycles
The error SkpCycls is
raised when a serial
encoder service (REM16,
BiSS, SSI, A-Format,
MA302) is looping slower
than 16 kHz, which
means that the cycles are
taking longer than 62.5
The warning SkpCycls is
raised when an encoder
that supports 32 kHz
sampling (which are only
BiSS or SSI) is looping at
16 kHz instead.
Minimize the time that is required
for reading the encoder. In a BiSS
encoder the following approach
can be used:
First the clock frequency should
be increased, and then the
encoder timeout should be
reduced (determine the minimum
value from the encoder
For an SSI encoder, only the clock
frequency can be increased
because the timeout is fixed.
For other encoders, the speed is
fixed. Please contact support if this
issue occurs.
Generic Setup Faults
Software Limit
Target position is outside
of the 0x607D: Software
position limit defined by
the user.
Please check object 0x607D:
Software position limit and make
sure that they are configured as
expected. Accordingly send your
position target.
The operation to save
the config.csv file did not
properly complete, and
the config.csv may be
corrupt. The config.csv
file will not be loaded.
0x6320 This most likely happened as a
result of power cycling the drive
directly after issuing a command
to save the configuration. A file
named "lock" symbolizes that the
save operation wasn't completed.
If you reconfigure your drive and
successfully save the
configuration, operation will be
restored. You may also upload a
known good config.csv file, delete
the "lock" file, issue a "restore
configuration" command.
Brake Faults
Synapticon Documentation
© 2021 Synapticon GmbH | Daimlerstraße 26 | D-71101 Schönaich Documentation v 4.19.0 | Built 2022-02-01