Using Digital GPIO with Home switches and limit switches
Limit switch and Home switch configuration are used when the drive is in Homing Mode. Limit switches
can also trigger
in all modes. In homing mode Quick Stop is triggered by the limit switch if it
is not being used by the homing method.
Home Switch Active High - Level Triggered (4)
Active and inactive state of the Home switch will be reflected as 1 and 0 respectively at the selected digital
Home Switch Active Low - Level Triggered (5)
Active and inactive state of the Home switch will be reflected as 0 and 1 respectively at the selected digital
Irrespective of the switch type (Active High or Active Low), active and inactive states of the home switch
will be shown as 1 and 0 respectively in bit 2 (home switch) of the
Positive Limit Switch Active High - Level Triggered for Homing & Edge Triggered (Latch) for Error
(PosLmAct) (6)
Active and inactive state of the Positive limit switch will be reflected as 1 and 0 respectively at the selected
digital input.
Positive Limit Switch Active Low - Level Triggered for Homing & Edge Triggered (Latch) for Error
(PosLmAct) (7)
Active and inactive state of the Positive limit switch will be reflected as 0 and 1 respectively at the selected
digital input.
Irrespective of the switch type (Active High or Active Low), active and inactive states of the positive limit
switch will be shown as 1 and 0 respectively in bit 1 (positive limit switch) of the
Positive Limit switch also triggers Quick Stop, if the drive is either in any opmode other than HOMING
or the drive in is HOMING mode but the switch is not being used by the homing method. If Positive
Limit Switch has been activated in this case, then bit 2 (qs) of the Controlword will be cleared and Quick
Stop will be executed.
Negative Limit Switch Active High - Level Triggered for Homing & Edge Triggered (Latch) for Error
Synapticon Documentation
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