Quick stop Overview
When the drive is in motion and the user wishes to stop quickly for any reason, the Quick Stop state can be
activated. This function uses a profile to drive the motor from the current velocity down to zero with a
specific Quick Stop deceleration. Quick stop can also be performed when an internal fault happens to stop
the drive in a controlled way.
Note that the brake might get damaged when the motor does not ramp down to zero velocity. This can
happen due to one of the following reasons:
when the motor is mechanically unstable
when the control system is unstably or poorly tuned
when the quick-stop feature is misconfigured
If no brake exists, this can even lead to a damaged motor!
At the end of the quick stop procedure, the brake gets engaged when the drive is in
SWITCH_ON_DISABLED (mode 2). When the drive stays in QUICK_STOP_ACTIVE (mode 6) the brake is
not engaged by default. Usage
Quickstop will be enabled if one of the following conditions occurs:
A drive fault is triggered
The drive dropped from EtherCAT Operational state while it was in CiA402 Operational Enabled state
switch the drive into different states
Option code Definition
Disable drive function (no quick stop deceleration)
2 (default)
Slow down on quick stop ramp and transit into switch on disabled
Synapticon Documentation
© 2021 Synapticon GmbH | Daimlerstraße 26 | D-71101 Schönaich Documentation v 4.19.0 | Built 2022-02-01