QEI Lost Ticks.
The number of ticks
counted in two
successive index pulses
is different from the
sensor resolution
configured by user.
There are several causes often
1. The configured resolution is
wrong. Please check the Resolution
configured according to the
encoder datasheet, and please pay
attention to the conversion
between units (Resolution = Cycles
per Revolution * 4).
2. There's a loss of pulses in
encoder reading, which can be due
2a. The encoder being improperly
mounted, or the encoder ring is
damaged. Please check the
mounting instruction of your
encoder for proper installation,
and consult the encoder
manufacturer for advices.
2b. Inconsistency in signal transfer.
Please check the signals received
by the drive with an oscilloscope
under operation for better
investigation. The cause can be
that the signal transfer is
influenced by external field, or that
the signal transfer is unstable for
example due to soldering quality
or cable aging. Improve the
situation by replacing the cables,
better arranging the cables, adding
shielding, etc., ensuring that the
signals can be stably transfered
with acceptable noise.
2c. The pulses are read with an
exceeding frequency. This case
rarely happens, but can be
possible if the encoder resolution
and/or the spin speed being
unusually high.
Synapticon Documentation
© 2021 Synapticon GmbH | Daimlerstraße 26 | D-71101 Schönaich Documentation v 4.19.0 | Built 2022-02-01