Modes of Operation
SOMANET supports different modes of operation that either utilize a trajectory controller on the slave (e.g.
profile modes) or get their trajectories from a master and cyclically decrease the difference between target
and actual values (cyclic modes). Additionally, Homing modes are available to move the axis to a specific
Cyclic modes
: In cyclic synchronous modes the trajectory must be computed by the master.
Cyclic synchronous torque control (CST)
: In torque control mode the master sends desired torques to
the drive.
Cyclic synchronous velocity control (CSV)
: In velocity control modes the master sends desired
velocities to the drive.
Cyclic synchronous position control (CSP)
: In position control modes the master sends desired
positions to the drive.
Profile modes
: In profile modes, the trajectory is computed on the slave.
: In profile position mode the trajectory to a target point is generated on the
Profile velocity mode
: In profile velocity mode the motor will rotate at a target velocity.
Profile torque mode
: In profile torque mode the drive sends a target torque to the motor.
Homing modes
: Homing can be used to center an axis on its current position or to move to an index pulse
of the encoder.
Quick stop
: Stops the motor quickly in a controlled way.
Diagnostics opmode
: Used for triggering diagnostic OS commands.
Switching modes
: The modes are called by using Object 0x6060.
Synapticon Documentation
© 2021 Synapticon GmbH | Daimlerstraße 26 | D-71101 Schönaich Documentation v 4.19.0 | Built 2022-02-01