Fig. 2: Percentage of field weakening in respect to motor speed
The field weakening feature can not be enabled when the drive is in fault state.
Use this feature at your own risk, it can seriously damage your hardware (including catching fire) when
the values are set wrongly! Even though not all risks can be eliminate, these measures can reduce
This is an expert feature! Please make sure you have sufficient knowledge about BLDC motors.
Change all values gradually and with caution, check results often.
Never use field weakening to achieve velocities that correspond to more than 80 Volts of peak back
EMF voltage. Otherwise the drive may start burning!
Avoid switching off the drive while in motion - especially at high velocities! Otherwise the drive may
start burning!
Avoid using the torque control mode when field weakening is activated. It is better to use velocity
control or position control. Otherwise the system can become unstable, the drive may start burning
or mechanical components may brake.
Parameters needed for Field Weakening can be found in Subindices 4-8 of
the object Torque Controller.
Synapticon Documentation
© 2021 Synapticon GmbH | Daimlerstraße 26 | D-71101 Schönaich Documentation v 4.19.0 | Built 2022-02-01