Detailed Description
A boxcar filter with rectangular gains is implemented, equivalent to a moving average filter (MAF). A moving
average filter is equal to a linear interpolation if the filter order is equal to ratio between master and slave
sample time - 1.
An example of the filter order for a master with 1 ms cycle time and 250 µs cycle time SOMANET slave:
The filter order is defined in multiples of 250 µs (e.g. 3 for a master with a 1 ms cycle), 3 is the default value
that suits applications with 1 kHz EtherCAT masters perfectly. This number defines the length of the ring
buffer that will be used as a MAF storage. At each 4 kHz cycle, the values in the buffer are summed up and
divided by the buffer length to produce the output. Command smoothing
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