User parameter group 15
User registered parameter
The parameter values set in this parameter group will not be restored to the factory default value when performing
The parameter value set in this parameter group is the parameter number required to be registered by the user.
The parameter values of the registered parameter number will not be restored to the factory default value when
performing 00-02=5/6(P.999=2/3).
Please refer to 5.1.2 parameter management section for the setting of restoring the factory default value
Please pay attention to the difference between parameter numbers registered in “sequence P mode” or “grouping
mode” mode.
For example, registering the parameter number 01-06(P.7). In the case of “sequence P mode”, the parameter
number registered is P.7, and P.900=7 will be set; In the “grouping mode” mode, the parameter number registered is
01-06 and 15-00=106 will be set.