Capturing images and printing badges
After you have created, retrieved or edited a text record,
you can capture images (a portrait and a signature, for
example) and print a badge for the record currently
displayed in the data entry window.
(This is a typical window; yours may be different.)
This section contains step-by-step instructions for the
following image-capture and badge-printing operations:
Issuing a new badge (page 4-26). Capture im-
ages and print a badge for an applicant who has
no images stored in the system and who has not
had a badge issued to them before.
Reissuing a badge (page 4-28). Print a badge for
an applicant who already has a text record and
images stored on the system. You can also use
this procedure to update the applicant’s text or
images before you print a new badge.
Capturing images only (page 4-31). Capture or
update an applicant’s images without printing a
badge. (You can print the applicant’s badge later
with the reissuing procedure.)
ID-4000 operation 4-25