Statistics View hard drive and output device statistics.
System Management Perform
management tasks.
Update Update the database with the current record.
Update Signature Capture another authorizing
VAR Connect to an appropriately installed input or
output device provided by a value-added reseller.
% The “%” (percent symbol) wildcard character means
“all characters”. For example, you can use the %
wildcard to search for the records of employees with
“Sm” at the beginning of their last name by typing
You can type this character anywhere in a series of
characters in a field (for example,
S%, Smi%, %th, and
S%h), or by itself in a field. If you type % by itself in a
field, the ID-4000 retrieves all records in the database.
_ The “_” (underscore) wildcard character acts as a
place holder and means “any character”. For example,
you can use this wildcard character to find the records of
all employees who have five-letter last names beginning
with the letters “Sm”. To retrieve these records, type
Sm_ _ _ in the Last Name field.
activity list The list of activities related to your card
history records. To select an activity, click on it to
highlight it. To select more than one activity, hold down
the CTRL key while you click on multiple activities. To
select a range of activities, click on the first activity in the
range, then hold down the SHIFT key and click on the
last activity in the range.
administrator An individual that uses the ID-4000
system for supervisory procedures such as maintaining
the ID-4000 databases, managing system security,
calibrating components, and batch processing.