The fax-modem offered as an option with ID-4000
systems, along with optional remote diagnostics
software, allows an authorized service technician to
operate your system by telephone from the repair
facility. When used with the optional facsimile utility
software, the fax-modem allows you to transmit and
receive facsimiles (“faxes”) with the ID-4000 computer.
Using this capability, you can transmit badge images,
dossiers and text data to any standard facsimile machine
via telephone. (You can also receive, view and print
facsimile transmissions from standard fax machines and
suitably equipped computers.)
Using remote
For instructions on using the optional fax-modem for
remote diagnostics, see
Setting up for remote
diagnostics in Chapter 5.
Faxing badge images
and dossiers
Use the following steps to transmit a facsimile (“fax”) of
a badge or an ID-4000 dossier.
Note: Before you can fax a badge image or dossier with
this procedure, your system must have a badge or a
dossier design with “WinFax” selected as the output
device. (See the Badge Designer chapter in
Application Builder Guide for specific instructions.)
Retrieve but do
not print the desired applicant record
according to
Reissuing a badge in Chapter 4.
After retrieving the record, but before choosing the Print
button, change the Badge Type field from its current
setting to a dossier-fax or a badge-fax setting. (The
Badge Type field may have a different but similar name.)
Choose the Print button to display the Fax Send dialog
Follow instructions provided with the facsimile software
(or press F1 for help) to transmit the fax and close the
facsimile application.
ID-4000 output devices 7-27