If your system prints two images on a sheet, choose the
Side 2 button and repeat step 6 to adjust the position
and size of the second image.
When the images are positioned and sized as desired,
pull down the File menu and choose Save.
Return to the ID-4000 application. (Hold the ALT key,
press the TAB key until “ID-4000” appears, release the
ALT key.)
Print a badge and check the alignment of the images
with the diecutter openings.
Return to the Diecut Adjustment window. (Hold ALT,
press TAB until “Diecut Area Adjustment window”
appears, release ALT.)
If alignment of the images printed in step 10 is
satisfactory, go to step 12.
If further adjustment is necessary, repeat steps 3-11 to
readjust the image area and print another sheet.
Pull down the File menu and choose Exit to close the
Diecut Area Adjustment program.
ID-4000 output devices