records, be sure to rename the earlier A_REPORT.TXT
file to prevent the new A_REPORT.TXT from overwriting
View the audit log as described on the previous page.
Choose the Report button.
Choose Yes at the Report Confirmation dialog box to
start copying the records to A_REPORT.TXT.
Wait for the word “Report” to reappear on the Report
button, indicating that the file was successfully created.
To close the audit log and return to the System
Management window, choose OK.
To delete the records from the audit log, see the
following section.
Deleting audit log records
The audit log continues to grow as ID-4000 transactions
take place. Its size is limited only by the hard disk space
required to store it. From time to time, you should delete
the audit log records to create more disk space.
Warning: If you want to keep the audit log records, store
them in a text file
before you use the steps below to
delete them from the audit log. (See
Storing the audit log
as a text file on page 5-42.)
If the audit log window is not visible, display it. (See
Viewing the audit log on page 5-41.)
Choose the Purge button.
Choose Yes at the confirmation dialog box to delete the
audit log records and return to the System Management
Using the error log
Error log description
The ID-4000 error log captures information about all
ID-4000 system errors as they occur. Anyone with the
appropriate access privileges can view the error log to
monitor errors or troubleshoot the system.
The error log continues to grow as the system is used.
For this reason, the ID-4000 allows you to delete the
error log records when you no longer need them. If
ID-4000 administration 5-43