work location may consist of a drop-down list containing
the building names of all possible work locations.
data entry, the operator can simply choose from the list
instead of typing in the building name or code.
cursor A symbol in a text entry box that indicates
where the next typed character will appear. Depending
on the window that you are in, the cursor can be a small
flashing block, an underline (_), or an I-beam (
). You can
usually move the cursor by pressing either the arrow
keys, the space bar, or the TAB key.
database A file containing multiple data tables.
default printer The printer that automatically generates
a printed document when you choose Print. Your system
can have only one default printer. Set the printer that
you use most often as the default printer.
dialog box A small window that appears temporarily to
give or request information.
dimmed Grayed-out, unavailable or disabled. You
cannot choose dimmed buttons, menu items, check
boxes, option buttons, drop-down list items or other
window elements.
disk drive statistics You can view ID-4000 disk drive
statistics, such as drive size, space available and number
of portraits stored, in the Statistics window.
dossier A black-and-white portrait of an applicant
including text data and any other images, such as a
signature, printed on an 8
x 11" sheet of paper.
double-click To quickly press and release the left
mouse button twice.
drag To move an item in a window by selecting the
item and then holding down the left mouse button and
moving the mouse until you move the item to a new
drop-down list box A box with an arrow on its right
side. You click on the arrow with the mouse cursor to
display a list of choices, and then click on a choice to
highlight it. When you highlight a choice, it is displayed
Glossary G-7