Either retrieval method displays a browse list of card
history records.
To browse through the records, use the scroll bar at the
side of the window. To scroll right or left for viewing all
the fields in a record, use the scroll bar at the bottom of
the window.
Tag one record for deletion by clicking on it to highlight
it, then choosing the Tag button.
Tip: You can also tag a record by double-clicking on it
with the mouse.
Repeat step 2 until you have tagged all the records you
want to delete. You can tag all records in the browse list
at once by choosing the Tag All button.
All records you tag individually appear in the bottom
pane of the window. If you tag all records in the browse
list, the bottom pane disappears.
Note: You can print the text of all tagged records by
choosing the Print button. (Your system must be
connected to a laser printer.)
After all the desired records are tagged, choose the OK
button to display the Card History Batch Processing
ID-4000 administration 5-81