The number of fields used for searching is not limited.
To find all the John Smiths in the Manufacturing
Department, for example, type
John, Smith and Mfg in
the appropriate fields before choosing the Retrieve
As with single-field searches, a browse list appears if
more than one record matches the search data.
Using wildcard characters
For some searches, you may want to retrieve all records
that match only part of a data field. To do this, use the
wildcard character “%” (percent symbol) or “_”
“%” (the percent symbol) entered in a field means “any
character or string of characters.” You would use it, for
example, to search for the records of all employees with
the letters “Sm” at the beginning of their last names. To
retrieve records for “Smith,” “Smithson,” “Smallwood,”
“Smart,” etc., type
Sm% in the Last Name field and
choose the Retrieve button.
You can also type
Sm without the percent symbol to
perform the same search. (The ID-4000 assumes that you
wish to insert the wildcard character “%” at the end of
any entry in a field.)
You can use the “%” wildcard anywhere in a character
series or by itself. Valid uses are
S%, Smi%, %, %h and
Entering the “%” wildcard alone in a single field and
choosing the Retrieve button retrieves all records in the
Note: You cannot use the “%” wildcard in numeric fields.
“_” (underscore) entered in a field means “any
character.” For example, you could use it to find the
records of all employees who have five-letter last names
beginning with the letters “Sm”. Type
Sm_ _ _ in the
Last Name field and choose the Retrieve button to
retrieve all records with “Smith,” “Smyth,” “Smyle,”
“Small,” “Smart,” etc., in the Last Name field.
ID-4000 operation 4-17