November 19, 2009
At the missed approach point:
If the missed approach procedure has not been initiated, the following
indications occur:
TO/FROM flag on the HSI displays FROM indicating that the MAP waypoint has been overflown.
Distance-to-go to the MAP displayed on the RTE LEGS 1/X and PROGRESS 1/3 or 1/4 pages starts to
Navigation and guidance continue along the extension of the final approach course.
If the FMS is configured for VNAV, the VNAV Approach terminates when crossing the runway threshold.
NOTE: That the missed approach point may not necessarily coincide with the runway threshold. For details on
CMA-9000 Display Panel
and (E)HSI indications associated to the VNAV Approach termination,
refer to the “Vertical Navigation” sub-section.
The missed approach point (MAP) is not sequenced unless the pilot manually initiates the missed
approach by selecting MISSED APPR> prompt, when it is configured, (e.g. PROGRESS 1/X page) or
by pressing the TOGA switch, if the MISSED APPR> is not configured.
The CMA-9000 FMS determines the availability of approach integrity prior to the 2
nm point along track to the FAF.
Depending on the installation, the approach integrity is defined for civil and military navigation configuration as
For civil navigation configurations, the CMA-9000 FMS uses a Predictive RAIM function to predict the
availability of approach integrity;
For military navigation configurations without a Predictive RAIM function available, the current GPS Group
NP (Navigation Performance) value is used in place of Predictive RAIM HIL and assumed to be the same at
the FAF and MAP as at the current position.
For military navigation configuration with EGI and civil GPS installed, the CMA-9000 FMS uses the Predictive
RAIM function of the civil GPS, and the military GPS Navigation performance to determine the approach
integrity. Moreover supplemental integrity is provided by comparing:
Civil and military GPS positions;
INS/GPS and military GPS positions.
If the position difference between the 2 sensors compared is smaller than the maximum accuracy of the 2
sensors, the integrity is valid for the approach phase of flight.
If the Predictive RAIM of the CMA-9000 FMS determines the approach integrity will not be available at the FAF
and/or the MAP, the CMA-9000 FMS remains in the terminal phase of flight and the following occurs at 2 nm
inbound to the FAF:
NPA annunciator does NOT illuminate and when configured, GPS APPR CAP remote annunciator does not
Alert message NO APPR INTEGRITY is displayed, with illumination of the remote MSG annunciator.
When configured, MISSED APPR prompt (LSK 6R) is displayed on RTE x LEGS 1/X, VNAV 1/1 and
PROGRESS 1/3 or 1/4 pages.
HSI lateral deviation sensitivity and RNP remains at 1 nm.
If the FMS is configured for VNAV, the VNAV Approach terminates. For details on the CMA-9000 Display Panel
and HSI indications associated to the VNAV Approach termination, refer to the “Vertical Navigation” subsection.
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