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November 19, 2009
VOR/DME navigation is used in areas with sparse DME coverage where there are less than three DME
stations available. This mode combines co-located DME or TACAN distance and VOR or TACAN bearing
to determine position. Tuned facility information is displayed on the VOR/DME/TCN STATUS page.
D. Inertial
This navigation mode is available in military or civil configuration when an EGI or Inertial is configured. The
CMA-9000 FMS inertial navigation mode is based on the following parameters:
Present Position Latitude and Longitude;
The CMA-9000 FMS is using the raw INS position and velocities provided by the EGI or Inertial equipment.
The KALMAN sensor interface is used when stand-alone GPS navigation and radio navigation are not
possible. Initiation of the KALMAN navigation mode is automatic upon loss of GPS and radio navigation.
The CMA-9000 FMS will use the Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS), and the GPS, to provide
a KALMAN filter navigation mode. In this mode, the primary navigation sensor will be a GPS receiver.
The AHRS is used as a dead-reckoning navigation system by emulating an Inertial Navigation System (INS)
with a KALMAN filter performing closed-loop GPS based correction and alignment of the INS position. The
KALMAN Filter provides the means to combine both navigation modes so that accurate navigation can
continue for some time after the GPS is lost. The amount of time available will depend on the performance
of the AHRS used (typically 2 minutes).
When the external sensor data inputs become insufficient to maintain the normal navigation modes, the
CMA-9000 FMS reverts to the dead reckoning mode of navigation. The CMA-9000 FMS must then rely on
the last known aircraft position, combined with heading and TAS inputs, and the last valid computed wind,
for its aircraft position calculation. Prolonged DR operation will result in decreased position accuracy. Alerts
are provided when the estimated position accuracy exceeds the requirements for each phase of flight.
The CMA-9000 FMS will automatically recover its normal modes of operation and position accuracy upon
restoration of the external sensor inputs.
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