Table 14: show ipsla application Field Descriptions
Maximum number of operations that are configured
in the system. The low-memory configured parameter
and the available memory in the system are given.
Estimated system max number of entries
Total number of entries that are configured, such as
active state, pending state, and inactive state.
Number of Entries configured
Number of entries that are in the active state. The
active entries are scheduled and have already started
a life period.
Number of active Entries
Number of entries that are in pending state. The
pending entries have a start-time scheduled in the
future. These entries either have not started the first
life, or the entries are configured as recurring and
completed one of its life.
Number of pending Entries
Number of entries that are in the inactive state. The
inactive entries do not have a start-time scheduled.
Either the start-time has never been scheduled or life
has expired. In addition, the entries are not configured
as recurring.
Number of inactive Entries
Types of operations that are supported by the system.
Supported Operation Types
Number of remaining entries that can be configured.
The number is just an estimated value and it may vary
over time according to the available resources.
Number of configurable probes
Available memory for the minimum system below
which the IP SLA feature does not configure any more
SA Agent low memory water mark
Related Commands
Configures a low-water memory mark.
low-memory, on page 158
Configures an IP SLA operation.
operation, on page 174
Cisco IOS XR System Monitoring Command Reference for the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router, Release 4.1
IP Service Level Agreement Commands
show ipsla application