action (IP SLA)
To specify what action or combination of actions the operation performs when you configure the
command or when threshold events occur, use the
command in the appropriate configuration mode.
To clear action or combination of actions (no action can happen), use the
form of this command.
logging| trigger
no action
logging| trigger
Syntax Description
Sends a logging message when the specified violation type occurs for the monitored element.
The IP SLA agent generates a syslog and informs SNMP. Then, it is up to the SNMP agent
to generate a trap or not.
Determines that the operation state of one or more target operations makes the transition
from pending to active when the violation conditions are met. The target operations to be
triggered are specified using the
ipsla reaction trigger
command. A target operation continues
until its life expires, as specified by the lifetime value of the target operation. A triggered
target operation must finish its life before it can be triggered again.
Command Default
Command Modes
IP SLA reaction condition configuration
IP SLA MPLS LSP monitor reaction configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
Release 3.3.0
This command was added to IP SLA MPLS LSP monitor reaction
configuration mode.
Release 3.5.0
Usage Guidelines
For the
command to occur for threshold events, the threshold type must be defined. Absence of threshold
type configuration is considered if the threshold check is not activated.
When the
command is used from IP SLA MPLS LSP monitor reaction configuration mode, only the
keyword is available.
If the
command is used in IP SLA operation mode, the action defined applies to the specific operation
being configured. If the
command is used in IP SLA MPLS LSP monitor mode, the action defined
applies to all operations associated with the monitored provider edge (PE) routers. This configuration is
inherited by all LSP operations that are created automatically.
Cisco IOS XR System Monitoring Command Reference for the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router, Release 4.1
IP Service Level Agreement Commands
action (IP SLA)