Reparents non-root-cause messages to the next highest
active root-cause in a hierarchical correlation when
their immediate parent clears.
reparent, on page 43
Specifies a root-cause message alarm.
rootcause, on page 45
Displays messages in the logging correlator buffer.
show logging correlator buffer, on page 47
Displays one or more predefined logging correlator
show logging correlator rule, on page 52
Specifies the collection period duration time for the
logging correlator rule message.
timeout, on page 72
Specifies an optional parameter for an applied
correlation rule.
timeout-rootcause, on page 74
Cisco IOS XR System Monitoring Command Reference for the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router, Release 4.1
Alarm Management and Logging Correlation Commands
logging correlator rule